Internship : Perception for Robotics
I was selected for the 6 month Internship at the Automotive Association of India .
I developed a perception pipeline for ARAI’s Autonomous Vehicle ‘Swayam GO’ .
Setup and Calibrating LiDAR- Camera
Setting up LiDAR
Setting up Camera
Intrinsic Calibration of Camera
Data acquisition from LiDAR and Camera
Sensor Fusion
Transformation Matrix between LiDAR and Camera
Acquiring co-ordinates of board corners from Camera.
Acquiring co-ordinates of board corners from LiDAR.
Finding the correspondence between LiDAR and Camera.
Projecting the 3D LiDAR points to 2D Image.
Projecting 2D Image in 3D LiDAR data.
3D Obstacle Detection in LiDAR.
Crop Box function
Plane Segmentation using RANSAC.
Euclidean Clustering
Min-Max Boxing
Custom Object Detection .
Data Preprocessing
Data collection for Indian Dataset.
Architecture Selection.
Hyper parameters tuning and Training the Model.
Testing and Improving Models.
Checkout the implementation on GitHub